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Looking for a rishta in Pakistan?

We can help you get a Pakistani rishta online for FREE!

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Absolute Privacy

Your privacy is our utmost mission. You can control the visibility of all of your profile fields easily and delete your account once you are done with your matrimonial search.

100% Free

Register a FREE account within seconds with your email and use all features absolutely free. Premium upgrade offers more features but is totally optional.

No Restrictions

You can show interest and message any member and view all their public details. You just need to sign up for the FREE account.

Huge Userbase

We have a huge userbase of both male and female profiles. We stand amongst the best matrimonial sites in Pakistan for a reason.

Powerful Matchmaking

Our algorithmic matchmaking suggests excellent matches for each and every user.

Referral Program

Refer GoodRishta to your family and friends and get 1 month free premium upgrade for each and every referral.

rishta in pakistan success stories

Thousands of Success Stories

We are proud to have helped thousands of individuals in finding a good matrimonial match in Pakistan and we are striving hard for making online matrimonial matchmaking easier for all Pakistanis.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have never created an online matrimonial profile before, is it really safe and private to use?

Yes, absolutely! GoodRishta has been crafted with love for people specifically like you in mind. No marriage and matrimony website in the world has been ever designed with such control for user in mind. You can completely control your profile info visibility. You can even make your name private (your first name would be visible where as only the first character of your last name would be visible). This is what makes GoodRishta absolutely safe to use w.r.t privacy and makes it stand out from other Pakistani matrimonial sites.

What is the difference between deactivating a profile and deleting a profile?

You can always temporarily deactivate and then reactivate your profile at any moment by visiting your account page here. Deactivating a profile removes it from public view (your profile URL becomes invalid) but your data remains saved on our website. Deactivated profiles also don't appear in matches or search results. Deleting a profile however permanently removes your data from our website and the process is irreversible.

Is online matchmaking safe?

The risks involved in online matchmaking (in Pakistan or in general) are as same as in offline matchmaking. We don't validate a user profile's info in any way. A user can put any info in their profile just like a person in real world can make any claim. Therefore, it is your personal responsibility to make sure and cross verify that whatever a person is claiming is actually true or not. We highly recommend to ask for CNIC pictures or other relevant documents before visiting anyone physically that you come across here on GoodRishta.

Will all my profile/information be public?

No, absolutely not, you can control the visibility of each and every field of your profile. We repeat, the visibility of EACH AND EVERY FIELD in a user's profile is controllable.

What features do premium users get?

Premium users get their profiles featured in different listing pages of GoodRishta (like search results, matches, suggestions etc), ability to send unlimited messages, additional search options, priortized support, etc. You can find about all the features of premium upgrade here.

How can I upgrade to a premium user?

First of all, we recommend you to complete your profile here and also enter your basic requirements here. Then, you can upgrade your account by making a payment here and contacting us here with the payment details. And, yes we accept multiple payment options.

Recently Active Profiles

Bilal  pakistani rishta with photos


4x years, 5feet 9inches

Private Business Owner, Other

Islam, I don't believe in Caste

Islamabad, Pakistan

Akhtar Mughal  pakistani rishta with photos

Akhtar Mughal

21 years, 5feet 11inches

Freelancer, Urdu

Islam, Mughal

Sialkot, Pakistan

Muhammad Ahmad

27 years, 5feet 9inches

IT Professional, Urdu

Islam, Kamboh

Lahore, Pakistan

Yousuf Shayan Mirza  pakistani rishta with photos

Yousuf Shayan Mirza

23 years, 5feet 9inches

Government Job/Professional, Urdu

Sunni (Islam), Mughal

Lahore, Pakistan

Recently Updated Profiles

Muhammad Ahmad

27 years, 5feet 9inches

IT Professional, Urdu

Islam, Kamboh

Lahore, Pakistan

Akhtar Mughal  rishta photo

Akhtar Mughal

21 years, 5feet 11inches

Freelancer, Urdu

Islam, Mughal

Sialkot, Pakistan

Muhammad Arslan

36 years, 5feet 10inches

Job (Private Sector), Urdu

Islam, I don't believe in Caste

Karachi, Pakistan

Awan Mallik

40 years, 5feet 2inches

School Teacher, Punjabi

Sunni (Islam), Awan

Lahore, Pakistan

Recently Registered Profiles

Muhammad Ahmad

27 years, 5feet 9inches

IT Professional, Urdu

Islam, Kamboh

Lahore, Pakistan

rishta photo of Akhtar Mughal user

Akhtar Mughal

21 years, 5feet 11inches

Freelancer, Urdu

Islam, Mughal

Sialkot, Pakistan

Muhammad Arslan

36 years, 5feet 10inches

Job (Private Sector), Urdu

Islam, I don't believe in Caste

Karachi, Pakistan

Awan Mallik

40 years, 5feet 2inches

School Teacher, Punjabi

Sunni (Islam), Awan

Lahore, Pakistan